Reporting – whistleblowing

In accordance with Act No. 171/2023 of 2 June 2023 on whistleblower protection, our company SERVIS CLIMAX a.s. is introducing an internal whistleblowing system, effective from 1 August 2023.

The internal whistleblowing system represents a set of procedures and tools used to receive and handle reports on possible breaches of the law, protect the identity of the whistleblower and other persons, protect the information provided in the report, and communicate with the whistleblower.

Person responsible for receiving and handling whistleblowing reports

Competent person: Mgr. Jana Holomková
Address: SERVIS CLIMAX a.s., Jasenice 1253, Vsetín 755 01, Office No. 315
Phone: 739 000 028

Competent person: Mgr. Nikola Koncer
Address: SERVIS CLIMAX a.s., Jasenice 1253, Vsetín 755 01, Office No. 315
Phone: 607 013 778


The whistleblower may be a person who has previously worked, is currently working for or with, has been engaged in a similar capacity by, or is in contact with our company, including indirectly, in connection with the performance of work or a similar activity.

For the purposes of the Act, work or a similar activity means dependent work performed under an employment relationship, self-employment, the exercise of rights associated with an interest in a legal entity, performance of a corporate office in a legal entity, performance of tasks as part of the activities, in the interest, on behalf of, or for the benefit of a legal entity, volunteer work, professional practice, internship, or the exercise of the rights and obligations arising from a contract for delivery, services, construction work, or other similar performance.


Filing a report via the internal whistleblowing system (VOS)

How to file a report:

SERVIS CLIMAX enables whistleblowers to file a report of suspected unlawful conduct as defined by Act No. 171/2023 via the internal whistleblowing system in writing, orally, or, at the whistleblower’s request, in person.

  1. Reports filed in writing– Whistleblowers may make a written report:
  • in paper form to the address of the Competent person; the letter must be duly marked “DO NOT OPEN. For the attention of the Competent Person only”,
  • in electronic form by email to the dedicated email address of the Competent Person, which cannot be accessed by any other person.
  1. Oral reports (by phone) – the whistleblower makes the report by making a phone call to the contact number of the Competent Person.
  2. Report filed in person – the whistleblower makes the report orally
  3. Anonymous report– our company enables reports to be made anonymously. In such a case, the whistleblower does not provide his/her identification details or any other information that could be used to identify the whistleblower, and the Competent Person does not attempt to establish such information. The deadlines for confirmation of receipt and the results of the investigation of the report do not apply to anonymous reports.

If the report is made orally in person or by phone, the Competent Person must make a recording or transcript of the report. If the whistleblower does not consent to an audio recording, the Competent Person must make a written record of the report.

Whistleblower protection:

The identity, as well as the information provided in the report, is kept confidential as part of whistleblower protection. For any method of reporting, the whistleblower’s identification data is only known to the Competent Person, who may not disclose it to SERVIS CLIMAX or a third party.

In connection with the submitted report, whistleblowers must not be subject to retaliatory measures in connection with the report made and in conjunction with the performance of work or a similar activity.

However, this is without prejudice to the possibilities SERVIS CLIMAX a.s. has to take legitimate action against a whistleblower who has knowingly made a wrong report.

Effective date of this document: 1 August 2023

For information about the processing of personal data according to the GDPR, see here

Submit a preliminary inquiry